Book Review
From Chelsea Weibley at the Library
Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda
“I always had trouble with boundaries, both my own and those of others. I didn’t want to give anyone the chance to decide on me. It was easier to remove the element of choice for them.”
62 Days Without Rain
The drought started in the West and has now come to the East lowering the levels of Mirror Lake, located in the mountains of North Carolina. Secrets are uncovered as the water levels go down and Mirror Lake might never be the same. Hazel Sharp, daughter the recently deceased Mirror Lake detective, returns home to attend his funeral and help clean out his house. She is surprised to learn that she has solely inherited her father’s home. As the house is cleaned out and the lake levels go down, secrets are revealed. Hazel wonders if she will finally understand why her mother left so many years ago.
While I have enjoyed Megan Miranda’s other books, this one hit a different chord and I loved it. It was a bit grittier than her others and was less pop-suspense fiction. Miranda took her time setting the scene of the town of Mirror Lake, the desperation felt with the drought, and the characters in the town. I absolutely loved this slow-build, slow-burn and while the ending wasn’t shocking, it was a beautifully executed suspense novel. This is one you want to go into knowing very little as Miranda perfectly reveals all you need to know as you read the story.
If you enjoy suspense novels, I highly recommend this book!
Check out Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda for yourself from the Library (…).