Book Review

From Chelsea Weibley at the Library

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

“It made me miss my mom in a way I never expected. Or maybe not her, exactly—but the person she could have been. The relationship we could have had. I’d always wondered if other people’s mothers were as good as they seemed.”

Hannah Brooks looks like a Kindergarten teacher…in reality, she is an Executive Protection Agent (aka – a bodyguard). She has learned in life to protect her heart, so when her mother passes away and her boyfriend of two years breaks up with her, she insists she feels nothing. She has no interest in a vacation; all she wants is her next assignment. However, when she gets it, she isn’t so sure it is one she can complete.

Jack Stapleton, household name, big screen heart-throb, is in town and in need of a bodyguard. The catch is, his family can’t know he has a bodyguard. His mother is going through cancer treatments and he does not want to cause her additional stress. Enter Hannah who will need to pretend to be his girlfriend in order to protect him from his obsessed stalker.

When Jack and Hannah go to stay with his parents at their ranch during his mother’s recovery, Hannah finds Jack is not the narcissistic egomaniac she expected. She just can’t figure out if she is experiencing the real Jack or the actor.

There are times I need a light, heart-warming rom-com style book. I read this during one of those times and am so glad I did! As much as I enjoyed Jack and Hannah’s dynamic, I adored Jack’s mom and her growing relationship with Hannah (hence the quote beginning this review). Hannah’s own mother was far from an ideal parent (understatement!), so I loved Jack’s mom and her interactions with Hannah.

Check out The Bodyguard by Katherine Center at the Library (…) or from the eLibrary at